Thursday, November 07, 2002

i will begin to read huntington's clash of civilizations today. it is time to prepare for the conservative future.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

election thoughts (italics = late edits and aditions):

2 and out: the republicans will fuck everything up enough domestically that they will be out in 04, including W. no excuses, they must produce, as they control it all. but enough centrist gop'ers in congress will flip on each issue that they won't get too much through. but arguing that some of them have morals and that's why their agenda didn't push through won't cut it at the polls.

that's contingent upon a complete gutting and rebuilding of the democratic party. mcauliffe is out of there. within the week. and who can/will stand up to the challenge? i think it's got to be one of the clintonites, panetta maybe?

how politically genius was pulling harvey pitt at the exact moment that his resignation could not command any attention? it got buried last night in the first returns, after polls closed in the east and with only an hour or two left in the west, and it won't trump analysis these next few days. wow. well done.

how long till the first supreme court retirement?

shashi: you got your SF city pot. happy now, hippy?

i fell bad for old connie mo. from MD-8th.

go manzullo. (IL - 16th).

thank god there's no secession. (although, the valley and hollywood are two of the grimiest parts of LA).

voting for davis or simon felt like votting for saddam or saddam. but i voted green. i didn't throw my vote away, i recycled it.

Monday, November 04, 2002

Googlism :

derek is....according to google. some of my favorites:
derek is not god
derek is never going to hell
derek is unstoppable on thursday date
derek is evil
derek is the little one
derek is teaching me all derek is teaching me all
derek is hired on the spot to run a secret gambling tent
derek is in demand across the country
derek is just an obese loser who dresses up like anime characters
derek is no longer the tightly coiled knot of anger he once was
derek is on his way to australia for a couple of billy idol performances
some punks pulled a jack move

so there was a great haloween party on friday, great costumes, much drunken dancing and hilarity...good times, you know? pictures to come. then the next morning I head back to the spot to pick up my equipment (turntables, mixer, records) and it seems someone had beaten me to it. luckily they left one of the two crates that I had taken, so i didn't lose all my super-party hits, and some other bits and pieces of my setup, including my speakers. the party was in a garage behind a house and it didn't get locked up well enough and some fools must have come back after the party and taken my gear. i've gotten bummed out about it on and off since then, but a)the folks who live there are helping to replace the stuff and b) I've lost people and i've lost stuff, and it's a hell of a lot better to lose stuff than it is to lose people.

in other news, the skins are coming together and i see a playoff bid, and after having knocked off the only remaining undefeated team in my fantasy football league, the Buck Wheaton Bees are looking like a sure fantasy super bowl contender.