Thursday, May 06, 2004

split decision
a cheesehead for halloween

those that know me know that there is little i love more in this world than the washington redskins, and there is little i love less in this world than the bush administration. so it broke my heart to see (via CJR's campaign desk) that i must choose between joe gibbs or john kerry this halloween:

The deciding factor in the presidential election, according to Bloomquist, will be the outcome of the Washington Redskins-Green Bay Packers game two days before voters head to the polls. Eighteen straight pre-election Redskins games have predicted the presidency, Bloomquist writes. If the Redskins win, Bush wins. If they lose or tie, look for the moving van that's headed from Washington D.C. to Crawford, Texas.

i pray for a tie.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


oh, and the recoys CD is now available from
my own private falluja
just tryin' to disengage

so I'm going to st. louis this fall insetad of new york. I'll be studying law for 3 years and doing my best to, you know, keep it real.

I'm trying to get out of los angeles but that eagles song keeps haunting me and hopefully I will be able to leave at some point.

I have OK GO tour pictures.

I have to schedule a going away party.