Tuesday, October 15, 2002

i need your help. i need names of historical figures with muttonchops. this is for my haloween costume. i'm thinking more oldtime-y than thrash metal-y. like civil war generals or old baseball players are better than that guy from metallica who has muttonchops.

oh, and I'm also looking for 'chops that are connected by a moustache, as seen here:

unfortunately, if my haloween costume was Doug "Whiskers" Kline, past president of the Charles River Wheelmen, I don't think anyone would get it, and I'd have a hell of a time explaining it. I'm not looking for wussy big sideburns that the misguided refer to as muttonchops, as illustrated by this diagram:

incidentally, if you search for 'mutton chops' on dogpile image search one of the "did you mean to search for" 's that comes up is 'tongue recepies'. incidentally i love tongue tacos and burritos that can be found all over the great city of los angeles and i encourage everyone to get over the "ewww gross" factor and try a delicious tongue burrito. you'll thank me.

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